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Why clinicians choose FibriCheck

With our clinically validated technology, we enable mobile heart rhythm monitoring with medical grade accuracy. Here’s how FibriCheck has become a highly trusted tool for clinicians.

Completely virtual atrial fibrillation care path

measurement heart rhythm

Detection of unknown AF patients

Genetically predisposed / Symptoms / Heightened risk

Triage of patients on waiting list for Holters

Monitoring of symptomatic patients

Focused case-finding of patients with heightened risk

Doctor checking FibriCheck report

Management of known AF patients

Before or after treatment or event

Medication titration (rate/rhythm control)

Follow-up after electrocardioversion (ECV)

Follow-up after catheter ablation

How others implemented FibriCheck

woman using FibriCheck

BeHRA en FibriCheck slaan de handen in elkaar tijdens Week van het Hartritme

Naar aanleiding van de Week van het Hartritme, organiseert de Belgian Heart Rhythm Association (BeHRA) samen met FibriCheck een nationale…

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Interested in featuring FibriCheck in a clinical trial or study?

Are you interested in using FibriCheck in a clinical study? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! Or have a look at our Clinical Studies page to get an overview of all of the studies we have already been part of.

Doctors meeting

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