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Living with atrial fibrillation: change your lifestyle

There is a mounting body of scientific evidence: our lifestyle can have impact on our health. Our lifestyle is the cause of a wide number of cardiovascular diseases. But is it also correlated with atrial fibrillation (AF) or auricular fibrillation,…

How do you treat atrial fibrillation?

Did our app detect abnormalities in your heart rhythm, indicating atrial fibrillation (AF)? Better make an appointment to see your cardiologist or GP to discuss these results. Because, even if it does not always affect you: atrial fibrillation will not…

Palpitations: what to do?

Are you having palpitations? For starters: you are not alone. Palpitations are very widespread. They are one of the main reasons why patients go to see their GP, cardiologist or end up at Accident & Emergency.1 But these medical checks…

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