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Walk and bike your way to a healthier heart

Exercise is a great way of lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease. Especially moderate exercise such as walking or biking can be beneficial for the entire body, especially for the heart and blood vessels. Studies even suggest that inactive people…

Jimmy Couchie (47): “It seemed too easy to be true”

“I first learned about FibriCheck from a newspaper article. Although I had never really worried about my heart, I found the idea of monitoring your heart rhythm using an app fascinating. I was keen to try it out. “The result…

FibriCheck selected to join the NHS Innovation Accelerator

FibriCheck has been announced as one of 11 innovations selected to join the award-winning NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) in 2020   FibriCheck is thrilled to be among the new innovations joining the 2020 NIA programme. FibriCheck is an innovative, hardware-free…

FibriCheck’s 2019 wrap-up and 2020 expectations

2019 wrap-up: We started the year with a large screening study conducted with more than 65,000 people. The results from this study were so successful that we got a lot of international attention when we presented them as late breaking…

What is a stroke or cerebral infarct?

A cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or a stroke is a medical condition where the blood circulation in the brain is suddenly disrupted. 17 million people worldwide suffer from a stroke each year, making it the second most common cause of death…

What is atrial fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation or AF is the most common heart rhythm disorder and is defined by its irregular and often accelerated heart beat. Untreated atrial fibrillation increases the chance for certain serious disorders like stroke, heart failure, diabetes, dementia and hypertension.…

Why you should check your heart rhythm regularly

Your heart rhythm is an important parameter for your heart health. The rhythm of your heart differs from your heart rate. Your heart rate is the number of heartbeats per minute, whereas your heart rhythm tells you something more about…

How does FibriCheck measure your heart rhythm?

Knowing the state of your heart rhythm is important, as heart rhythm disorders can increase your risk of serious complications such as stroke. In some cases, an irregular heart rhythm can cause discomforting symptoms which may affect your daily life.…

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